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Privacy POLICY

Mccoy Animation respects the privacy of online visitors of its website and customers of its services and products and for protection of such privacy and for compliance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) and other legal requirements regarding the protection of personal data, Mccoy Animation represents its Privacy Policy.

In this document any visitor of the website may get information regarding types of personal data that are collected during usage of Mccoy Animation services and website, ways of usage of such data and rights or such visitor regarding his personal data. This Privacy Policy covers both our online and offline data collection activities, including Personal Data that Mccoy Animation collects through our various channels such as websites, apps, third party social networks, events, etc.

By using Mccoy Animation website or any services or products of Mccoy Animation, you authorize Mccoy Animation and its affiliated companies to process your personal data according to this Privacy Policy.

1. Definition

When we talk about Personal Data in this Privacy Policy, we use the meaning of “Personal Data” from GDPR – it means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person.

2. When does R 8S Ent. collect your Personal Data and what information does Mccoy Animation collect

2.1. While browsing R8S Ent. website

When you browse our official website ( and its Art or Game Division sections, we may collect two types of Personal Data from you – cookies and IP addresses.

Cookies is a record-keeping information that websites often store on a user’s computer. Usually cookies help visitors of websites to get information that is most relevant for themselves based on pages that they visit usually, advertisements that they usually click the most amount of times.

We use Cookies to analyze how users use our services, to recognize the same users across different devices as well as to improve the services we are offering and to improve website functionality. In settings of your browser you always can disable cookies or set your browser to alert you in the case cookies are being sent to the computer.

Information regarding IP addresses is being collected for safety reasons, IP address shows the computer from which you are using our website, it identifies your computer every time you connect to the internet.

Also our company uses information that is gathered by Google Analytics but it doesn’t include any Personal Data, only general statistics regarding the number of visitors of the website.

2.2. While sending a CV via “Join the Team” section of the website or contacting us via Contact form or Submission form

When you are using forms on our website to either contact us, submit some data including but not limited to applying for any Mccoy Animation scholarship program or to apply to one of the open applications via “Join the Team” section of our website – you need to fill in some data which could contain – your name, e-mail, biography, name of your company and comment, that may also include your Personal Data. Curriculum vitae (CV) that you send to apply to open applications include Personal Data as well. We need all mentioned Personal Data to know how to contact you, preferred language you use, and to use such information in our further communication.

2.3. While entering into contractual relations with R8S Ent. by signing agreements or other documents

When we sign agreements with our customers, from provisions of such agreements we may get information regarding employees or attorneys of such customer. Such information may include names, e-mails, addresses, work positions. We need this information to be completely confident that we are entering into a contractual relationship with appropriate persons that represent the interest of a proper company.

3. How your Personal Data may be used by R8S Ent..

Our main goal is to provide high quality services to our customers, as well as allow them to gather all necessary information regarding our company from our website. We use all provided Personal Data to answer all your demands, to provide you as appropriate content as we can. Some part of Personal Data is being used for further contractual negotiations or to help you to solve some questions or problems that may have occurred during your experience with our official website (e.g. information gathered by Contact form on our website), some Personal Data being collected to make your usage of our website as good as it possible (e.g. cookies), and some part of Personal Data is just required to be provided to us to prove that we are entering business with proper company and proper representative of such company (e.g. info of attorney in contract). In any case of usage, we guarantee that your Personal Data is used by Mccoy Animation without any violations of GDPR or any other applicable regulations, and is used only to make your experience of cooperation with Mccoy Animation as good as it possible.

4. How long we store Personal Data

According to the requirements of Article 5(e) of GDPR, Mccoy Animation store your Personal Data for the duration necessary to process it according to this Privacy Policy.

5. Your rights regarding Personal Data that are collected by R8S Ent.

To allow you to protect your Personal Data we guarantee that you can execute rights mentioned below by sending a message to our Data Protection Officer, whose contacts are provided in clause 9 the Privacy Policy. While your Personal Data is gathered by R8S Ent. by any ways that are established in this Privacy Policy, you have such rights:

5.1 Right of Access and Right to Portability of Personal Data.

You have the right to access your Personal Data that we hold about you, i.e. the right to require free of charge (i) information whether your Personal Data is retained, (ii) access to and/or (iii) duplicates of the Personal Data retained (for data portability). You can use the right of access and the right to portability of your Personal Data by sending a message to our Data Protection Officer (contacts you can find in clause 9 of the Privacy Policy), who will give you all appropriate information regarding your retained Personal Data.

5.2 Right to Rectification.

If we process your Personal Data, we shall endeavour to ensure by implementing suitable measures that your Personal Data is accurate and up-to-date for the purposes for which it was collected. If your Personal Data that were provided to us were inaccurate or incomplete, you can always update the information you provided by sending a message to our email from “Contact us” section of the website or thru email that is provided in clause 9 of the Privacy Policy.

5.3. Right to Erasure.

You have the right to obtain deletion of Personal Data that were collected concerning you. For any requests for erasure you shall contact our Data Protection Officer via contacts that are provided below. In case of any such request, we will erase all your Personal Data without undue delay.

5.4 Rights to Restriction of processing and Right to Object.

You have the rights to restrict and/or object processing of your Personal Data by sending a request to our Data Protection Officer, whose contacts are provided in clause 9 of this Privacy Policy.

5.5. Detailed information regarding rights and restriction of those rights.

For more detailed information on the abovementioned rights regarding your Personal Data and possible restrictions of those rights, please, read Chapter III (Rights of the data subject) of the official text of GDPR which may be found via the link:

6. Personal data of children below 16 years

Mccoy Animation does not collect and does not process Personal Data of children below 16 years old – in case of provision of such Personal Data via our website we promptly delete such data.

7. Privacy Policy changes

Mccoy Animation has the right to modify this Privacy Policy at any time. Such changes are intended to improve data protection of Mccoy Animation customers and visitors of our website. The latest version of Privacy Policy may always be found via the link: Your use of the official website and/or of any services of Mccoy Animation after changes to Privacy Policy shall confirm that you have read and agreed with the latest version of Privacy Policy.

8. Contact information

To ask any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or to use any of the rights that are provided in clause 6 of this Privacy Policy – please, contact Mccoy Animation Data Protection Officer via e-mail [email protected].